7 Smart Tips Make Self-Study More Productive

Smart tips make self study more productive

7 Smart Tips Make Self-Study More Productive: Homework, assignments, projects, studying for tests, catching up on extra study material…throw hobbies, sports, and socializing into the mix, and a student’s life can seem like a constant race against the clock. If you feel like there just aren’t enough hours in a day to finish all that you need to get done, you are certainly not alone.

The answer to breaking free from this nagging feeling of not getting enough done lies in looking at the big picture. You have 168 hours at your disposal every week. Making each hour count is the key to leading a balanced life.

The idea of self-study is not to spend every waking hour glued to your books but to make your study hours count by learning more effectively, so you can aim for top grades and yet have a life outside your academic pursuits.

To help you achieve that, here are seven smart, proven tips to make self-study more productive:

Add Variety to Your Ways of Learning

7 Smart Tips to Make Self-Study More Productive: Staring at the same textbooks for hours at end, day after day, can get monotonous and hamper your productivity levels. Research studies show that different media can stimulate different areas of the brain, and heightened brain activity is associated with better learning abilities.

In this technology-powered age, there is no dearth of sources to learn from. You could improve your productivity by mixing it up a little. Besides reading your textbooks and class notes, refer to the video tutorial, online sources, and Digital books to receive the same information from a variety of sources. This will not only help keep your mind fresh and attentive but also improve your retention power.

Juggle Between Subjects

Every course has at least five to six subjects in the curriculum. Instead of focusing on one subject every day, studying two or three different ones helps in improving effectiveness. For example, if you have maths, social science, science, computers, English, and Hindi as your course subjects, it is better to study a bit of any two or three subjects every day instead of dedicating one weekday to each subject.

Combinations with diverse subjects work best for enhancing productivity. For instance, instead of studying maths and science together, you can combine them with English or social science. This way you are less likely to confuse the information assimilated from different subjects and your brain has a better chance of consolidating whatever you have learned.

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Steer Clear of Multitasking

It is a common misconception that multitasking can help you achieve more in less time. A great deal of research has been done into the effects of multitasking and the writing is on the wall – trying to juggle too many balls in the air only makes you more distracted and less productive.

The secret to making self-study sessions more productive is to focus on just one task at a time. It is, therefore, imperative to resist the urge to study while watching television, eating, texting your friends, or checking your social media feeds. If you use the internet for studying, having a secondary device solely for accessing e-learning apps and study materials is advisable.

If that’s not an option, make it a point to temporarily turn off the notifications on your phone or put it on silent mode so that you are not distracted by the constant beeps and alerts. If you are using a computer, steer clear of opening multiple tabs on your computer.

Inculcate the Habit of Making Notes by Hand

Hand-written notes are the best way to allow your brain to absorb and process the information you are gathering as you study. Yes, you already have your textbook lessons and classroom notes to help you learn different topics and concepts but the process of taking in bits of information and then reproducing them in your own words helps in improving concept clarity and understanding. This way you are not just mindlessly cramming information without actually processing it as you go.

Test Yourself Regularly

Self-testing is a proven tool for improving academic performance. If you go on reading your textbooks and class notes passively, you have no way to know how much of it you have actually understood and retained. Do not wait for class tests or exams to put your knowledge to the test. Take it upon yourself to put your learning to the test through small quizzes, sample question papers, and mock test Series.

This will give you a reality check on your progress and help you identify your weak areas. Consequently, you can re-work your self-study strategy to work on the topics and subjects that you find yourself lagging behind in.

Read Out Loud

Reading out loud can help improve your learning abilities by leaps and bounds. When you read any text out loud, you not only see but also hear it. This prevents your mind from wandering and helps you focus better. In contrast, when you read silently, you are only seeing the text, and thus, the chances of getting lost in your train of thought in higher. Of course, reading out every single word from a chapter can prove to be a tiring and time-consuming exercise.

To get the best out of this trick, underline or highlight the key point of any topic when it is taught in the classroom and just read these key points out loud when you study these lessons at home.

Take Regular Breaks

Being holed up in your room till you have finished all the assigned tasks of the day may seem like the right way to get more done in less time but in reality, it proves counter-productive. On the contrary, taking regular breaks can help enhance productivity and focus. Instead of aiming for a single six-hour sitting, divide your study time into smaller spells of 40 to 60 minutes each.

At the end of each session, take a 5-10 minute break to walk around, drink some water, have a quick snack, or just talk to someone. It is a good idea to use a stopwatch or alarm to remind yourself to take a break and resume studying as per your schedule.

At the end of each day, reward yourself for a job well done, if you’ve managed to meet your day’s goals, by indulging in a fun, relaxing activity of your choice. This will motivate you to keep going and set you up for a fresh start the next day.

FAQs – 7 Smart Tips to Make Self-Study More Productive

Why is self-study important?

Self-study allows individuals to take charge of their own learning and develop a deep understanding of a subject or skill.

How can I set specific goals for my self-study?

To set specific goals for your self-study, you can start by identifying what you want to achieve and breaking it down into smaller, measurable tasks.

How can I create a study schedule for my self-study?

To create a study schedule for your self-study, you can start by identifying the times of day when you are most productive and setting aside those times for studying.

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