Introduction to Agricultural Engineering

Introduction to Agricultural Engineering

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Product Specifications

Publisher Agrobios Publications All Agriculture Process & Food Engineering books by Agrobios Publications
ISBN 9788190906531
Author: McColly HF, Martin JW
Number of Pages 563
Available in all digital devices
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Introduction to Agricultural Engineering - Page 1 Introduction to Agricultural Engineering - Page 2 Introduction to Agricultural Engineering - Page 3 Introduction to Agricultural Engineering - Page 4 Introduction to Agricultural Engineering - Page 5

Introduction to Agricultural Engineering by McColly HF, Martin JW
Book Summary:
The book has been written with thought that agricultural-engineering student can become acquainted in a general way with the entire field of agricultural engineering, using some of his basic mathematics, and mechanics in the solution of simple problems in agricultural engineering. The non-technical student can be given training in the field of agricultural engineering without the use of mathematics beyond basic arithmetic. The references and problems at the end of each chapter are intended as a summary review of the chapter and can be assigned in accordance with the technical skill of the student.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Agriculture Process & Food Engineering.
Table of Contents:

Part I Engineering in Agriculture

1. The Development of Agricultural Engineering

2. Agricultural Engineering Applications

Part II Agricultural Mechanics

1. Agricultural Mathematics

2. Forces and Simple Machines

3. Drawing and Lettering

4. Agricultural Construction

5. The Farm Shop

Part III Farm Power

1. History of Engines and the Farm Tractor

2. Principles of Operation of Tractor Engines

3. Power Measurement and Tractor Testing

4. Selection and Management of Tractor Power

Part IV Farm Machinery

1. Power and Machinery in Agriculture

2. Materials Used in Farm Machinery

3. Machine Elements and the Transmission of Power

4. Farm-Machinery Applications

5. Selection and Management of Farm Machines

Part V Rural Electrification

1. Basic Electricity and Electrical Terms

2. Electric Service for the Farm

3. Using Electricity on the Farm

Part VI Processing Agricultural Products

1. Agricultural Processing

2. Crop Processing on the Farm

3. Food Processing

Part VII Farm Structures and Conveniences

1. Farm-Buildings Investment and Economics

2. Planning the Farmstead

3. Farm-Structure Requirements

4. Materials for Farm Structures

5. Farm Carpentry

6. Care and Maintenance of Farm Structures

7. Farm and Home Conveniences

Part VIII Soil- and Water-Conservation Engineers

1. Farm Surveying and Mapping

2. Soil-Erosion Control

3. Land Clearing

4. Land Drainage

5. Sources of Water for Irrigation

6. Farm-Water Measurement

7. Surface Methods of Irrigation

8. the Sprinkler Method of Irrigation

9. Economics of Irrigation

10. Index