Agribusiness Management

Agribusiness Management

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Product Specifications

Publisher Vinra Publication All Agribusiness Management books by Vinra Publication
Author: Vinra Publication
Number of Pages 285
Available in all digital devices
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Agribusiness Management by Vinra Publication

Book Summary:
Agribusiness includes not only that productive piece of land but also the people and firms that provide the inputs (i.e. Seed, chemicals, credit, etc.), process the output (i.e. Milk, grain, meat, etc.), manufacture the food products (i.e. ice cream, bread, breakfast cereals, etc.), and transport and sell the food products to consumers (i.e. restaurants, supermarkets, etc.).Agri-business involves three sectors. First is the input sector: It deals with the supply of inputs required by the farmers for raising crops, livestock, and other allied enterprises.
The audience of the Book :
This book is Useful for Agribusiness Management students.
Table of Contents:
1. Agribusiness
2. Agricultural Marketing
3. Logistics and Supply Chains in Agriculture and Food
4. Basics of Supply and Demand
5. Economic Forecasting In Agriculture
6. Price Volatility in Food and Agricultural Markets
7. Role of Information Technology in Agriculture and its Scope
8. Basics of Rural Marketing