Principles Of Marketing

Principles Of Marketing

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Product Specifications

Publisher Nirali Prakashan All B.B.A II books by Nirali Prakashan
ISBN 9789383750078
Author: Dr. Shaila Bootwala
Number of Pages 266
Available in all digital devices
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Principles Of Marketing by Dr. Shaila Bootwala
Book Summary:

This book has been written keeping in mind the new syllabus proposed by the Board of Studies in Marketing, for BBA and BBM Semester II students adopted from June 2013. The subject, ‘Marketing’, as a separate body of knowledge, is introduced to undergraduate students at the first year itself. At the junior college level they do get a little insight into various aspects of Marketing. However, the study of Marketing, as a separate subject is introduced only at the first year level. As such this paper is titled as “Principles of Marketing” and deals with the various basic aspects of Marketing. All the chapters are written keeping in mind that the student is being newly introduced to the topic.

Marketing is a very dynamic and volatile subject. The success of any marketing endeavour depends upon its acceptance by the market or consumer. No marketing activity can be planned or implemented without the consumer being the key focus area. How a consumer will react to the marketing message will determine the success or failure of the marketing message/strategy.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for BBA students.
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction and Functions of Marketing

2. Classification and Types of Markets

3. Marketing Environment and Market Segmentation

4. Marketing Mix

5. Marketing Planning, Marketing Information System, Marketing Research

Case Studies

Activities and Projects

Question Papers