A Handbook of Structure and Composition of Foods (Vol. IV): Sugar, Sirup, Honey, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa,

A Handbook of Structure and Composition of Foods (Vol. IV): Sugar, Sirup, Honey, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa,

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Product Specifications

Publisher Agrobios Publications All Agriculture Process & Food Engineering books by Agrobios Publications
ISBN 9788177545050
Author: Winton AL, Winton KB
Number of Pages 614
Available in all digital devices
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A Handbook of Structure and Composition of Foods (Vol. IV): Sugar, Sirup, Honey, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, - Page 1 A Handbook of Structure and Composition of Foods (Vol. IV): Sugar, Sirup, Honey, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, - Page 2 A Handbook of Structure and Composition of Foods (Vol. IV): Sugar, Sirup, Honey, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, - Page 3 A Handbook of Structure and Composition of Foods (Vol. IV): Sugar, Sirup, Honey, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, - Page 4 A Handbook of Structure and Composition of Foods (Vol. IV): Sugar, Sirup, Honey, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, - Page 5

A Handbook of Structure and Composition of Foods (Vol. IV): Sugar, Sirup, Honey, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, by Winton AL, Winton KB
Book Summary:

The early studies of nutrition led to the framing of a system of analysis in six groups, the results of which have accumulated through several generations. Somewhat later, stimulated by the passage of laws to suppress fraud, more detailed analyses of genuine products were carried out, the results of which serve as a guide in interpreting analyses of suspected articles. Investigation carried out at official and private laboratories in endeavors to widen variety, better quality, increase yield, reduce cost, and prevent waste involved numerous analyses often including determinations of lesser-known constituents.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Agriculture Process & Food Engineering.
Table of Contents:


  1. Leaves of the Coca Family 
  2. Leaves of the Holly Family 
  3. Leaves of the Tea Family 
  4. Seeds of the Palm Family 
  5. Seeds of the Soapberry Family 
  6. Seeds of the Stercula Family 
  7. Seeds of the Madder Family 
  8. Seeds of the Pea Family 
  1. Stem and Leaf spices 
  2. Bark Spices 
  3. Flower Spices 
  4. Fruit and Seed Spices