Engineering Geology

Engineering Geology

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Product Specifications

Publisher Vikas Publishing All Civil Engineering books by Vikas Publishing
ISBN 9788125919032
Author: D. V. Reddy
Number of Pages 696
Available in all digital devices
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Engineering Geology by D. V. Reddy
Book Summary:

Engineering Geology is a multidisciplinary subject that interacts with other disciplines, such as mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, hydrogeology, seismic engineering, rock engineering, soil mechanics, geophysics, remote sensing (RS-GIS-GPS) and environmental geology. This book is the only one of its kind in the Indian market that caters to the students of all these subjects.

Engineers require a deep understanding, interpretation and analyses of earth sciences before suggesting engineering designs and remedial measures to combat natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, debris flows, tsunamis and floods. This book covers all aspects of engineering geology and is intended to serve as a reference for practising civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, marine engineers, geologists and mining engineers. Engineering Geology has also been designed as a textbook for students pursuing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in advanced/applied geology and earth sciences. A plethora of examples and case studies relevant to the Indian context have been included for better understanding of the geological challenges faced by engineers.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, marine engineers, geologists and mining engineers students.
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction to Geology and its Branches

2. Interior of the Earth

3. Engineering Geology

4. Crystallography and Mineralogy

5. Petrology

6. Structural Geology

7. Weathering of Rocks

8. Geological Work on Soils

9. Geological Work of Rivers

10. Geological Work of Oceans and Coastal Zone Management

11. Groundwater

12. Earthquakes, Seismic Hazards and Natural Disasters

13. Tsunamis and Coastal Zone Management

14. Site Investigation Techniques for Civil Engineering Projects

15. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS)

16. Investigations for Dams and Reservoirs

17. Tunnels and Underground Excavations

18. Landslides and Mass Movement

19. Buildings and Smart Cities

20. Bridges

21. Stratigraphy of India: Economic and Engineering Significance

22. Environmental Geology and Geotechnology