The English Connection Workbook - 5

The English Connection Workbook - 5

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All Class 5 English books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9789352534487
Author: Renu Anand
Number of Pages 105
Available in all digital devices
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The English Connection Workbook - 5 by Renu Anand
Book Summary:

The English Connection, an integrated skills course, highlights the holistic approach to language teaching and learning. The underlying principles of language learning advocated by the CBSE, i.e., learner autonomy, reflective thinking, creativity, and interactive learning, have been incorporated in the pedagogy that is embedded in the course content of the series.

Audience of the Book :
This book is useful for Class- 5 Students.
Key Features:

The main features of the book are as follows:

1. A wide range of poetry and prose from different literary genres to develop comprehension skills.

2. A carefully graded grammar syllabus with structures, comprehensive rules, and tasks that lead to its usage.

3. A study skills section on spelling, pronunciation, dictionary research, and punctuation.

4. Writing tasks to promote creative, imaginative, and critical thinking skills.

5. Projects to develop interpersonal and reference skills as well as the ability to process information.

Table of Contents:

1. Ravi and His Friends

2. Uncle Ken at the Wicket

3. A Day at the Floating Market

4. Alice in Wonderland

5. A Feast for the Rats

6. Speedy I Need You

7. Olympic Games

8. Nasruddin and the Candle

9. Tom Paints the Fence

10. Bad Luck