CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers

CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers (Total 3 Products)
Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers Class 9 Sanskrit for 2024 Exams

Oswaal CBSE Sample Question Papers Class 9 Sanskrit for 2024 Exams

By Panel Of Experts
Price: ₹149.25
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Cbse Class 9 Sanskrit SA II Sample Question Paper

Cbse Class 9 Sanskrit SA II Sample Question Paper

By Panel of Experts
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Price: ₹80.00

CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Sanskrit

Class 9 Sanskrit is good for scoring a better mark. But for that, you should have a solid study plan and best Class 9 Sanskrit Study Materials. Among the other study materials, Sanskrit Sample Paper plays a vital role in boosting your subject knowledge and preparation level for the final exam.

By solving the Sanskrit Sample Papers, you will have a clear idea about the real Class 9 Exam. If you practice daily, then you will become more familiar with the exam, and you will have a better confidence level for the final exam.

If you have selected the Class 9 Sanskrit as elective subjects, then it is one of the important subjects in CBSE Class 9, like Science, Maths, English, and other subjects. You can easily score high grades by proper preparation.

You already know that you cannot score a better mark without the best study materials and the solid study plan.

To provide you better study material and enhance your exam preparation, we are providing the CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Sanskrit. It will play a significant role by explaining the detailed information on every answer. Better knowledge of the subject will help you prepare for Class 9 Sanskrit.

By solving CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Sanskrit, you will understand the syllabus and exam pattern in a better way.

Our expert has created the sample papers by covering the latest CBSE Class 9 syllabus and exam pattern. They have also included the previous year’s question pattern. So after solving varieties of questions from CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers, you will develop a high confidence level. You will understand the mark distribution and the new syllabus.

You should solve the sample paper at the same time as the real exam. So you will learn time management and also identify the weaker and easier section. After the proper study on weaker sections, you can convert them into your strength before the final Class 9 Exam 2021.

Chapters Covering CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers

You will find all chapters in CBSE Sanskrit Sample Paper For Class 9. We are providing you the sample papers with solutions.

You will find the questions from the following chapters,

खण्डः अपठित-अवबोधनम् (10 अङ्काः)

एकः गद्यात्मकः खण्डः
80-100 शब्दपरिमितः गद्यांशः, सरलकथा वर्णनं वा (2+4+1)

  • एकपदेन पूर्णवाक्येन च अवबोधनात्मकं कार्यम्
  • अनुच्छेद – आधारितं भाषिककार्यम्
  • शीर्षकलेखनम्

भाषिककार्याय तत्त्वानि – (3)

  • वाक्ये कर्तृ-क्रिया-पदचयनम्
  • कर्तृ-क्रिया-अन्वितिः
  • विशेषण-विशेष्य-चयनम्
  • पर्याय-विलोमपद-चयनम्

रचनात्मक कार्यम् (15 अङ्काः)

  • सङ्केताधारितम् औपचारिकम् अथवा अनौपचारिकं पत्रम् (5)
    (मञ्जूषायाः सहायता पूर्ण पत्र लेखनीयम्)
  • चित्राधारितं वर्णनम् अथवा अनुच्छेदलेखनम् (5)
  • हिन्दीभाषायाम् आङ्ग्लभाषायां वा लिखितानां पञ्चसरलवाक्यानां संस्कृतभाषायाम् अनुवादः (5)

अनुप्रयुक्तव्याकरणम् (25 अङ्काः)


सन्धिकार्यम् (4)

  • स्वरसन्धिः – दीर्घः, गुण, वृद्धिः, यण, अयादि

शब्दरूपाणि – (4)

  • अकारान्तपुंल्लिङ्गशब्दाः – बालकवत्
  • उकारान्तपूँल्लिङ्गशब्दाः – साधुवत्
  • आकारान्तस्त्रीलिङ्गशब्दाः – लतावत्
  • ईकारान्तस्त्रीलिङ्गशब्दाः – नदीबत्
  • सर्वनामशब्दाः – अस्मद्, युष्मद्, किम् (त्रिषु लिङ्गेषु)

धातुरूपाणि (4)

  • पठ्, अस्, कृ, पा(पिब्), सेव् (पञ्चसु लकारेषु)

कारक-उपपद-विभक्तयः (4)

  • द्वितीया– परितः, समया, निकषा, प्रति, बिना
  • तृतीया– सह/साकम् / समम्/ सार्धम्, विना, अलम्
  • चतुर्थी– रुच, दा (यच्छ), नमः, कुप
  • पञ्चमी– बिना, बहिः, भी, रक्ष
  • षष्ठी– उपरि, अधः, पुरतः, पृष्ठतः
  • सप्तमी– स्त्रि, निपुणः, विश्वस्

प्रत्ययाः (4)

  • क्त्वा, तुमुन्, ल्यप, क्तवतु, शतू, शानच्

सङ्ख्या – (1-100) (3)

उपसर्गाः (2)

  • आ, वि, प्रति, उप, अनु, निर, प्र, अधि, अप, नि, अव

पठितअवबोधनम् (35 अङ्काः)
(शेमुषी-पाठ्यपुस्तकम् अधिकृत्य)

  • गद्यांशम् अधिकृत्य अवबोधनात्मकं कार्यम्(5)
    प्रश्नप्रकाराः – एकपदेन पूर्णवाक्येन च प्रश्नोत्तराणि, भाषिककार्य च।
  • पद्यांशम् अधिकृत्य अवबोधनात्मकं कार्यम्(5)
    प्रश्नप्रकाराः – एकपदेन पूर्णवाक्येन च प्रश्नोत्तराणि, भाषिककार्यं च।
  • नाट्यांशम् अधिकृत्य अवबोधनात्मकं कार्यम्(5)
    प्रश्नप्रकाराः – एकपदेन पूर्णवाक्येन च प्रश्नोत्तराणि, भाषिककार्यं च।
  • वाक्येषु रेखाङ्कितपदानि अधिकृत्य पञ्च-प्रश्नानां निर्माणम्(4)
  • श्लोकान्वयः(द्वयोः श्लोकयोः) / एकस्य श्लोकस्य भावार्थः।(4)
  • घटनाक्रमानुसारं कथालेखनम्(4)
  • पर्यायपदानां विलोमपदानां वा मेलनम्(3)
    (पाठान् आधृत्य लघु-उत्तरात्मकाः प्रश्नाः)

Key Point of Our CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers

In CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers, you will find the questions based on the above topics. You will easily understand the explanation and answer and build a depth concept on the subject.

You should complete the syllabus first and solve the sample paper. It will give you the idea of your preparation level. You will easily find the tougher sections by solving more papers. By focusing more on those sections, you will easily convert your weaker section to your strength.

Here you can check the features of our CBSE Sanskrit Sample Papers For Class 9

  • You will get a clear concept of various sections of Sanskrit Grammar. Like सन्धिकार्यम्, शब्दरूपाणि, धातुरूपाणि, कारक-उपपद-विभक्तयः, प्रत्ययाः, सङ्ख्या, उपसर्गाः, etc.
  • Well, elaborate and written in simple language so that everyone can easily understand the solutions and build a better base on the topic.
  • Easily accessible from any place at any time across the globe.
  • You can buy CBSE Class 9 sample papers at a very low price.
  • You can build a better concept which will help you for future exams and future curriculum too.
  • It will help you in self-evaluation
  • It will help you to understand exam questions
  • An effective tool for preparation and practice 

Publishers For CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 Sanskrit

You will find the books from various publishers, as given below.

How To Prepare For Exam With CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers PDF Download?

To prepare for any exam, you should have a proper study plan and study materials. By covering all topics before the main exam as per your study plan, you can easily score the better mark.

By solving CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers, you will have a clear idea about the lasts Class 9 Sanskrit exam and question pattern. You can score a better mark by practicing more sample paper and NCERT solutions for Class 9 Sanskrit.

We are also providing the CBSE Class 9 Books and study materials to help students to get the best academics and shape the career in a better way.

Here you can find the preparation plan to boost the CBSE Class 9 exam.

  • Make sure that you have the latest Class 9 Syllabus and exam pattern for as instructed by CBSE.
  • You should practice more question papers, previous year's papers, and CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Papers.
  • After solving many questions, you will find the difficulties for various sections. You need to cover those before the main exam. You will also know time management for the main exam by solving more papers.
  • Solve MCQs and short questions from all chapters daily.
  • Stay calm and relax.
  • If you have confusion in any topic, refer solution, textbook, or contact your teacher.

CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Exam Pattern/ Section-wise Marks Distribution

Here you can check the new exam pattern and marking scheme for the CBSE Class IX Sanskrit exam.

Annual Examination: It has 80 marks in the annual examination.

Internal Assessment/ Project Work: 20 Marks

CBSE Class 9 Sanskrit Sample Paper and solution has covered all sections and let you build a depth base.

Now it’s your time to provide us your valuable feedback on the study material. If you find any area should include or updated in the CBSE Sample paper for Class 9 Sanskrit, you should let us know.

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