Test Preparation on IAS Prelims Sample Paper -10


'Double coincfdence of wants' presumes the existence of a1. Common medium of exchange tike money2. Market economyWhich of the above is/are correct?

The coincidence of wants (often known as double coincidence of wants) lacking amedium of exchange (such as money), which have to rely on barter or other in-kind transactions.Double coincidence of wants means that the both the parties have to agree to sell and buy eachcommodities. The problem is caused by the improbability of the wants, needs, or events that causeor motivate a transaction occurring at the same time and the same place. One example is the bar musicianwho is "paid" with liquor or food, items which his landlord will not accept as rent payment, when themusician would rather have a month's shelter. If, instead, the musician's landlord were to throw a party anddesire music for it, hiring the musician to play it by offering the month's rent in exchange, a coincidence ofwants would exist. In-kind transactions have several limitations, most notably timing constraints. If you wishto trade fruit for wheat, you can only do this when the fruit and wheat are both available at the same timeand place (and, additionally, only if someone wishes to trade wheat for fruit). That may be a very brief time,or it may be never.
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