What are the rules of English punctuation? 

Period (.) -  Use a period to end a declarative sentence, an imperative sentence, or an indirect question. Example: "She went to the store."

Question mark (?) -  Use a question mark to end a direct question. Example: "Where are you going?"

The Exclamation point (!) -  Use an exclamation point to convey strong emotion, surprise, or emphasis. Example: "What a beautiful day!"

Comma (,) -  Commas are used to separate items in a list, set off introductory phrases or clauses, separate independent clauses in a compound sentence, and set off nonessential elements.

Semicolon (;) -  Use a semicolon to connect two closely related independent clauses without a coordinating conjunction. Example: "She loves to travel; she has visited many countries."

Colon (:) -  Use a colon to introduce a list, explanation, or example. Example: "Please bring the following items: a pen, paper, and a calculator."

Dash (– or —) -  Dashes can be used to set off information within a sentence or to indicate an abrupt change in thought. Example: "She finally completed her project—after much hard work."

Quotation marks (" ") -  Use double quotation marks to enclose direct speech, quotations, song titles, and titles of short works. Example: "He said, 'I'll be there at 5 o'clock.'"

Apostrophe (') -  Use an apostrophe to indicate possession or to form contractions. Example: "The dog's tail wagged." "Can't you see?"

Parentheses ( ) -  Use parentheses to enclose additional information or asides within a sentence. Example: "The event (which was held outdoors) was a great success."

Ellipsis (...) -  Use an ellipsis to indicate omitted words or a pause in speech. Example: "She hesitated, then said ... 'I'm not sure.'"

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