Top 10 space agencies in the World 

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) - USA:  NASA is one of the most renowned space agencies, responsible for numerous groundbreaking missions, including the Apollo moon landings, the Mars rover missions, and the Hubble Space Telescope. 

Roscosmos (Russian Federal Space Agency) - Russia: Roscosmos has a rich history in space exploration and is known for launching the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into space and pioneering various space missions. 

ESA (European Space Agency) - Europe: ESA is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to space exploration and research, collaborating with multiple European countries on various space missions. 

CNSA (China National Space Administration) - China: CNSA has made significant advancements in space technology, including manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, and the establishment of its space station. 

ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) - India: ISRO has achieved numerous milestones in space exploration, including Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) and Chandrayaan lunar missions. 

JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) - Japan: JAXA has been involved in various space missions, including lunar exploration, asteroid missions, and the development of the Kibo module on the International Space Station (ISS). 

CSA (Canadian Space Agency) - Canada: CSA has been a vital contributor to space missions and robotics, notably in developing the Canadarm for the Space Shuttle and the ISS. 

UKSA (United Kingdom Space Agency) - United Kingdom: UKSA plays a significant role in various space endeavors, collaborating on international space missions and satellite development. 

ASI (Italian Space Agency) - Italy: ASI has been involved in various space missions, satellite launches, and collaborations with other space agencies. 

CNSA (Brazilian Space Agency) - Brazil: CNSA is focused on space research, satellite development, and collaborating on international space missions. 

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