Top 7 Difficult Topics in JEE Main 2023 Physics  

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Heat and Thermodynamic There is no doubt that it is one of the most difficult topics for JEE Main Physics, but it is also one of the most important. Often, students find it difficult to answer questions related to a topic if they do not understand its application. 

Mechanic Physics is not just about equations and theory in JEE Main. It is very important to understand the concepts you are learning, which is why studying this topic before your exam date is so important. 

 Electrostatics and Magnetism As both topics deal with the forces of attraction and repulsion between objects, they are related. In almost every engineering course, Electrostatics is a very important topic. 

Current Electricity It is an important topic of JEE Main Physics that is linked to a wide variety of engineering disciplines. Current Electricity is all about how electric currents flow through objects and produce a voltage in a circuit as per different laws. 

 Optics Optics is the study of light. It is one of the most difficult topics to understand since it requires students to understand waves, especially how they interact with objects. 

Modern Physic For Modern Physics, students will study more complicated topics such as Quantum Mechanics (wave-particle duality), relativity (e.g., length contraction), nuclei/subatomic particles like protons and neutrons that create an atom’s nucleus with electrons orbiting around them to determine its chemical properties, etc.

 Electromagnetic Induction It might be a little tricky to understand Electromagnetic Induction. It is also one of the most important topics in the Physics JEE syllabus. 

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