How to prepare for Languages exam

Open Mind Begin your studies with a growth mindset and accept that there are going to be differences and inconsistencies in a modern foreign language and change your focus to remembering them instead of  wasting your energy on complaining.

Set up a calm environment You need somewhere you can study without any distractions. This should preferably not be your bedroom as this is associated with sleeping and relaxation.

Identify your learning style Every student learns differently. You are no different. Find out if you are a visual, auditory, kinesthetic or a reading and writing learner. This will affect how the information should be presented to you.

Assessment and Read Aloud Before you begin, you need to conduct a self-assessment to see where you are at. Write down and practice retrieving everything you already know for example about conjugating irregular verbs or the question words for answering comprehensions.

Short Duration and Spaced Apart   Short, repeated sessions are better than one big chunk of study time. This is because synapses in your brain that help you remember different information work better when they are used spatially and repetitively.

Study first thing in the morning You have the most willpower in the morning time. Once you get the toughest part of your day over and done with, you will feel good about yourself and probably even motivated to do more.

Test Yourself   Review each session after a few days by giving yourself a quick test. Immediate recall can increase retention by as much as 30% because it challenges the brain to reflect rather than re-read.

Study Buddy Find another student that you can work alongside. They can help to keep you accountable. It means you have someone to practice learning the material with.

Get creative Explore different and fun ways to study. Using flashcards, different coloured pens, watching documentaries and even roleplaying will keep you focused and engaged.

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