How to Prepare for 12th Board Exams in 15 Days? 

Avoid Exam Stress 

The feeling of nervousness and tension is very natural before and during the examinations. A little bit of tension is quite helpful as it motivates us to put in the very best effort. For taking your mind off it, the best way is to indulge yourself in your hobbies. It is a stress-free therapy.

Have Positive Vibes 

A positive attitude is a key to solving many problems. During exam time this is an important feature to have in you. Attitude is the main for all the students because it reflects your personality and confidence or self-confidence. It helps you crack your exams.


Try to learn with fun. Study seriously but do not get this seriousness over your confidence. Always think positively about your examination. Maintaining a positive attitude towards exams is the main important fact you should have to complete your exam successfully.

Time Management  

Time management is one important factor in your preparation. You need to maintain a timetable for your study and give equal time to all subjects. If you follow this timetable, you will transparently be able to avoid the stress and fear which arises in the students during the preparation for the exams.

Write Notes 

Writing notes is a good habit for learning effectively. Always try to write subject-wise notes, including definitions and formulae over the topics you are studying. At the time of examination, these notes will help you in your revision.

Study Method 

First, set your study hours and the right place to study. Allocate more time to the tougher subjects than the others on which you already have a grip. It will make such subjects easier at the time of the 12th board examinations.

Work On Your Weak Points 

Please look at your weak points and think about how you can make them strong. Check your answer sheets of class tests and previous test papers, take a deep look into them, and find your mistakes. Make a list of your weak points for each subject start doing hard work on your weak points, and make them strong.

Avoid Distractions 

आज के समय में कंप्यूटर के कोर्सेज के डिमांड बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ गई है | कई कालेजो में बी.एससी कंप्यूटर साइंस भी कराई जाने लगी है | इस कोर्स के बाद करियर बनाने में आसानी होगी |

Refreshment And Rest  

Assign some time to the refreshment activities daily. Take a good 6-7 hours of comfortable sleep. Take regular exercise and yoga. It relaxes your mind. Maintain a healthy diet at the time of the 12th board exams. These are all the above-said things that would make you fit for the next day's study and make your brain fresh.

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