How To Increase Speed And Accuracy In Bank Exams

Accuracy is the main factor in the Bank exam. As IBPS, RBI, and LIC exams are on heat. Your speed and accuracy depends on the fact that which question you pick up first.

Practice is the only key to success. Try to attempt an Online mock test after you are done with the revision, on a daily basis.

Work on your basics -  Some students generally start with short tricks without having revised the basic concepts. This leads to less accurate answers as they get puzzled while solving the questions.

Work on short tricks -  After revising the basics, try to solve the questions with short tricks. Make sure you solve and practice questions multiple times to form shortcuts for each solution.

Polish your weak points -  Always work on your weak areas. Mend up your ways to solve the questions. For this, you need to find out where you are lagging behind.

Skip the difficult questions -  Your reading and understanding should be good so that you can find out which questions should be picked and which can be skipped for later.

Manage time for each section -  Check how much time you are taking to solve the questions and try to beat your own time every time you practice.

Manage time for each type of question -  Try to solve the questions in the set stipulated time by you. This will help you in attempting more questions.

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