Lined Circle

English Strategy For Beginners for Bank Exams 

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Analyse previous years’ questions papers 

You must properly analyze the syllabus of the given Bank Exam. Make notes, and note down the weightage of various subjects, so that you can decide the topics to give more attention to while studying. By doing so you will get an idea about the exam pattern and your mind will be ready to understand what it needs to do in less time.

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Stick to the time table 

After fully understanding which topics need more of your attention while preparing, you can easily plan how to prepare them. This can be done properly via a good timetable. Make a timetable with realistic long-term and short-term goals to timely complete the entire syllabus assigned for the Bank Exam. 

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Polish the rules of grammar via Mock Test 

Polish up the rules of grammar like, Subject-verb agreement, Active and passive voice, Reported Speech (Direct and indirect speech),Spellings, Tenses, Articles, Singulars and plural

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Fine-tune your Comprehension skills 

Fine-tuning your reading skills automatically fine-tunes your comprehension abilities. Reading Comprehension is the most important topic in the English Language section. You need to read the newspaper articles and editorials regularly to accelerate your reading speed 

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Practice & analyze Mock Tests  

Mock Tests is that secret that has helped hundreds of toppers across all Bank exams in achieving what they have achieved. Attempt as many Mock Tests as possible and analyze every Mock Test at the end to make any improvements in the next one. 

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Do self-evaluation  

Only the completion of the syllabus and revision doesn’t alone guarantee success, you must keep analyzing and evaluating yourself for a satisfactory and effective preparation. You need to solve the previous year’s questions and attempt a Mock Test for the Bank exam you are preparing for.

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