8 Extraordinary Science Facts You Didn’t Know

8 Extraordinary Science Facts You Didn’t Know

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 Food Cannot be Tasted Without Saliva For food to have taste, chemicals from it must first dissolve in saliva. Taste substances react chemically with salivary constituents during this process. Salivary buffers (e.g., bicarbonate ions) decrease sour taste concentrations, and some salivary proteins may bind bitter taste molecules.

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One Cloud Weighs the Same as  100 Elephant A cloud’s volume is greater than its weight. In other words, how does a cloud that weighs 100 tons stay afloat? There are countless water droplets scattered throughout the cloud, which are responsible for distributing the total weight. Raindrops made from these tiny droplets are so small that a million of them would be required to form one, eliminating gravity’s effect.

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Cockroaches Can Survive Without Their Head It is often said that cockroaches would be the most likely refugees from nuclear war because of their tenacity. They do not need to breathe through their mouths or heads since they have an open circulatory system and breathe through holes in each part of their body.

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An Octopus has 3 Hearts and 9 Brain Octopuses have three hearts and nine brains. The two hearts pump blood to the gills, while the third circulates it throughout the body. As far as the nine brains go, an octopus has a central brain and eight smaller ones. Each arm has one of these, enabling it to operate independently.

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During the Summer the Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm Taller As a substance heats up, its particles move more and it takes up more space – this is known as thermal expansion. Because of a drop in temperature, it will contract again.

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Only Venus Revolves Clockwise Originally, our Solar System was a swirling cloud of dust and gas that collapsed into a spinning disc with the Sun at its centre. Because of their common origin, all planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same direction. Except for Uranus and Venus, they all spin in the same direction (counterclockwise if viewed from above).

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 Every Year, Hawaii Moves Closer to Alaska by 7.5cm Yes! Earth’s crust is divided into gigantic pieces called tectonic plates. Due to the motion of the tectonic plates and the currents that drive them, this occurs.

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