Now you can read your eBooks without Internet connection in offline mode with Kopykitab eBook Reader. Its Free! and Easy to Use!
Just Download our eReader and read on your Laptop/Desktop in Windows. Download the Windows Installer, Launch it
and follow the instructions Please Note: It requires Java/JRE to be installed in your windows. please download it here Download Java |
Windows Platform Installer |
Step-1Download Kopykitab_eReader_Setup.exe for Kopykitab eBook Reader Installer from here. Once you follow the instructions it will install Kopykitab_eBook_Reader.exe in your local machine.
Step-2After installation launch Kopykitab_eBook_Reader.exe by double clicking. It will open a login screen, Please login using your EmailID & Password. Or Register here. After login it will lists all the eBooks from your account. Please Note: Only first time login requires Active Internet Connection.
Step-3Once you have logged in app it will lists all your eBooks in the Bookshelf. You can browse the eBooks in your local eLibrary. Please Note: Only first time eBook browsing requires Active Internet Connection.
Step-4On clicking on an eBook it will start downloading and will show progress of download.
It will automatically open the selected eBook after download.
Already downloaded eBook will be depicted with a tick sign - and pending once
with a cloud sign -
Please Note: Only first time eBook download requires Active Internet Connection.
Step-5You can now start reading the eBook offline in your laptop/desktop on the go or offline mode.
Also the eBooks already downloaded does not require login or downloading again.
Keep reading your favourite eBooks and go green!
Check out this video and see how to use it:
For Android Mobile/Tablets Users - Click Here to Download eBooks in your Mobile
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