Saraswati Lab Manual Biology Class - XI (New Edition)

Saraswati Lab Manual Biology Class - XI (New Edition)

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Product Specifications

Publisher New Saraswati House All Class 11 Biology books by New Saraswati House
ISBN 9789352723645
Author: Rajesh Kumar
Number of Pages 169
Available in all digital devices
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Saraswati Lab Manual Biology Class - XI (New Edition) - Page 1 Saraswati Lab Manual Biology Class - XI (New Edition) - Page 2 Saraswati Lab Manual Biology Class - XI (New Edition) - Page 3 Saraswati Lab Manual Biology Class - XI (New Edition) - Page 4 Saraswati Lab Manual Biology Class - XI (New Edition) - Page 5

Saraswati Lab Manual Biology Class-XI (New Edition) by Rajesh Kumar
Book Summary:

Laboratory is a place where the necessary equipments, chemicals and required facilities are available needed by a science student and teacher to perform the experiments. It is the place where one tests his theoretical knowledge practically for its validity or truthfulness. One gets opportunity to learn the science by performing practicals. A science student cannot do or learn without a laboratory. It is a very signifi cant place as many discoveries, inventions, theories have emerged out of this place.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Class XI students.
Table Content:

Part-A (Experiments)

A. major Experiments

1. study and Description of Three Locally Available Common Flowering Plants

2. Osmosis by Potato Osmoscope/Osmometer

3. Test for Presence of Sugar, Starch, Protein and Fat Detection in Suitable Plant and Animal Materials

4. Separate Plant Pigments (Chlorophyll) through Paper Chromatography

B. minor Experiments

5. Comparative Rates of Transpiration in the Upper and Lower Surfaces of Leaf

6. Rate of Respiration in Flower Buds/Leaf Tissue Germinating Seeds

7. Presence of Urea in Urine Sample

8. Presence of Sugar in Urine Sample

9. Presence of Albumin (Protein) in Urine Sample

10. Presence of Bile Salts in Urine Sample

C. Slide Preparation

11. Preparation and Study of T.S. of Dicot and Monocot Roots and Stems (Normal/Primary)

12. plasmolysis in Epidermal Peels

13. Distribution of Stomata in Leaf Surfaces

Part-B (Spotting)

1. Study of Compound Microscope

2. Study of Plant Specimens/slides/models

3. Study of Animal Virtual Specimens/slides/models

4A. Study of Plant Tissues and Diversity

4B. Study of Animal Tissues and Diversity

5. Study of Mitosis Cell Division

6. Study of Different Modifications in Root, Stem and Leaves

7. Study and Identification of Inflorescences (cymose and racemose)

8. Study of Imbibition in Seeds/Raisins

9. Anaerobic Respiration, Phototropism in Plants, Apical Bud Removal and Suction due to Transpiration

10A. Human Skeleton/Bones

10B. Types of Joints in Human Body

11. Study of External Morphology of Cockroach

Part-C Investigatory Project Experiments

1. Transpiration and Absorption Ratio

2. Qualitative Ash Analysis

3. Separation of Plastidial Pigments

3.1. Separation of Plastidial Pigments—By Capillary Analysis

3.2. Separation of Plastidial Pigments—By Benzene

3.3. Separation of Yellow and Green Pigments

4. Heat Release during Respiration

5. Fruit Ripening

6. Growth in Plants

7. Smoke Density

8. Hydrolytic Enzyme

9. Imbibition Percentage

10. Precipitation of Emulsions (Salting out of Emulsions).